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Thursday, January 22, 2009
A Dream for the Cat People

Yesterday, in my son's first grade classroom, the kids had a Freedom Tea. They sat and sipped tea out of styrofoam cups while they listened to Martin Luther King's I Have a Dream speech. After the speech, they were all invited to the front of the room to share their own I Have a Dream speech. My favorite moment, naturally, was when my own sweet boy stood and told everyone that he dreamed of a world where we could all be friends and everyone would be kind to animals (this part was somewhat odd, since he usually seems indifferent toward our animals, and has otherwise been known to chase them while hollering loudly - just to see them terrified), but whatever. Aside from that touching moment, I loved the little boy who said that his dream was that the dogs would not bark quite so loudly anymore.

Hallelujah, brother!!

I will be celebrating new baby Pearl this week, by presenting her with a Pixie Hat. I love the pixie hat and I will knit others, but for now it's Pearl's Pixie (isn't that sweet?!). Pictures are imminent.

Thanks again to all you lovely babes for tuning in and sending encouragement. It feels good.
That pixie hat is so sweet!
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